The Angels – Divinyls – AC/DC – INXS – Led Zeppelin – The Rolling Stones – Melissa Etheridge – Blondie – Tina Turner – Split Enz – No Doubt – Gloria Gaynor – The Pointer Sisters – Pat Benatar -Eurythmics – & more.
The 70s came with the electric guitar and jaw-dropping solos. The 80s left us in awe with the rise of the distortion guitar and all those dance moves. The 90s brought us a blast of talent, with a variation of alternative rock, R&B, and pop. Genexis rips through your favourites with energetic bass and drums, iconic guitar riffs and dynamic vocals; paying tribute to what you grew up with, celebrated with, and to what connects you to your memories.
Backed by professional music tracks, Sharni & Gav project unique style, vigour and pace. Gav on lead guitar, who also performs lead vocals, fluently replicates guitar licks and solos. Displaying great improvisation he creatively turns a somewhat boring guitar solo into an electric and mesmerizing performance. Sharni, a versatile lead vocalist adapts to different music styles, providing you with a high energy performance that motivates you to ‘live in the moment’ and get you rocking!